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Showing posts from July, 2022

UPDATE: Tiers of Joy

UPDATE: March 9, 2023 I've had more time to pray on it and really listen to God, and I've decided that I am not going to close Jenuine Enterprises as a whole. Instead, I am going to restructure it a bit. That being said, I am still closing the edible creations division of the business as well as customized or personalized crafts. Inventory specific to those divisions of my company will be liquidated. I am working through the new structure of the business as we speak, and I am very excited about how it is shaping up. When I have more details, I will share them. In the meantime, I have some backend work to do and a website refresh. Stay tuned! —Jen

The Prophecy of Broccoli

Three months ago, had you asked me what veggies I like, I'd have said, "None." Then, I would have said, "I hate all green things, especially broccoli." Many of us are familiar with the prophecy that foretold the coming of a boy who would have the power to vanquish Lord Voldemort. But are you familiar with the self-fulfilling prophecy? Britannica defines it as the process through which an originally false expectation leads to its own confirmation. I'd been telling myself for years that I hated broccoli. But what if I changed my mindset? What if I tried affirming my like for broccoli? What would happen? What do you think happened? If you guessed that I started liking broccoli, you would be correct. By simply changing my mindset and saying out loud, "I love broccoli," I found myself actually enjoying it and looking forward to it at mealtimes. Crazy, right? Not really. It's just psychology. Often used in dialectical behavioral therapy (or DBT),